Wesleyan denies deaths on campus

At 11:30 a.m. the spokeswoman for Texas Wesleyan, Massaran Kromah, announced that there are no confirmed deaths with the clown attacks on campus.

“We do want to express our sympathy to anybody who feels like their education has been interrupted or has any feelings of scary or any type of emotions that they can not get in touch with,” she said.

Kromah said that the school is doing everything that they can to keep the campus safe.

“We are still researching and investigating everything that has been going on,” she said.

Kromah acknowledged there was an attack on a classroom in Polytechnic United Methodist Church.

“We are aware that there was an attack on Dr. Greg Gullion’s sociology class at 10 a.m. this morning,” she said. “Eyewitnesses said that there were students attacked and we have spoken with Greg Gullion himself and he made us aware that students were hurt by the incident.”

Gullion, an associate professor of sociology and criminal justice, said he was the only one to escape his classroom alive by hiding under a desk.

Team Justice leader Cameron Bennett confirmed that 10 students were killed in the Polytechnic United Methodist Church.

Wesleyan announced that there will be a second press conference at 12:45 p.m. in Bragan Hall.

Spokeswoman Massaran Kromah speaks at the 12:20 p.m. press conference. Photo by Carson Cunningham

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